Joint Nutrition and Physical Activity Campaigns
Age Concern Cymru Keep Well this Winter
Keep Well This Winter is a campaign which aims to provide information and support to people aged 65 and over to enable them to keep well this winter.
The campaign, which runs from September to February, is organised by the Welsh Government and brings together a range of initiatives, from government and the voluntary sector, into one concerted programme.
The three Keep Well This Winter themes are:
• Keep well
• Keep warm
• Keep safe.
Active Fat

New joint charity campaign urges Britons to examine their waistlines.
A new survey has revealed that 97 per cent of people in Britain are unaware that excess weight around their middle is generating higher levels of oestrogen and excess chemicals in their stomachs, putting them at risk of cancer, Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Nearly three quarters of people admit to carrying excess weight around their middle, and more than half (57 per cent of women and 55 per cent of men) overestimate the waist measurement at which they become at risk.
The results of the survey, which questioned 2,085 adults in Great Britain, were released as Diabetes UK, Cancer Research UK and the British Heart Foundation launched a new ‘Active Fat’ campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of carrying extra weight around your middle.
Dr Mike Knapton, Associate Medical Director for the British Heart Foundation, said:
“Wrapping a tape measure around your middle takes just a few seconds, but it could be your vital first step towards a healthier future.”
The campaign is also calling for the European Parliament to support people to make healthier food choices by bringing in a single front-of-pack food labelling system across the EU, which includes traffic light colours.
To help people to trim their tummies, Cancer Research UK, Diabetes UK and the British Heart Foundation are sharing their top tips on losing weight through their joint campaign website.
National Osteoporosis Society – Healthy Bones

Please contact the Change for Life Team at the Welsh Government for more information at [email protected].